22.4 Automatic job cancellation

MyID provides a job processor that allows you to cancel old jobs that have not been collected for a specified number of days since the job was created. When you install MyID, the automatic job cancellation processor is not configured to run; to enable the processor, you must specify number of days after which you want jobs to be canceled; see section 22.4.1, Enabling the automatic job cancellation processor

Once enabled, the processor runs once a day, and cancels the following types of job:

The processor cancels jobs of the above types that are in the following states:

If you want to customize the automatic job cancellation processor to cancel different types of jobs, or jobs at different statuses, contact customer support quoting reference SUP-352.

22.4.1 Enabling the automatic job cancellation processor

To specify the number of days after which old jobs are canceled:

  1. From the Configuration category, select Operation Settings.

  2. Click the Bureau & Job tab.

  3. Set the following option:

    • Automatic cancellation timeout – set this to the number of days after which you want jobs to be canceled. To prevent the job processor from canceling old jobs, set this value to 0.

      The default is 0.

  4. Click Save changes.

22.4.2 Filtering the canceled jobs by credential profile

You can specify a string that must be present in the credential profile for the automatic job cancellation processor to cancel old jobs. For example, if you have the following credential profiles:

and set a filter of "User", only jobs for the User Card and User Badge credential profiles are automatically canceled; jobs for Admin Card and Admin Badge are not canceled.

To set a credential profile filter:

  1. From the Configuration category, select Operation Settings.

  2. Click the Bureau & Job tab.

  3. Set the following option:

    • Automatic job cancellation credential profile filter – set this a string that must be present in the credential profile name for jobs to be canceled. Leave this option blank to cancel all jobs.

      The default is blank.

  4. Click Save changes.

22.4.3 Specifying the email template for notifications

By default, when the automatic job cancellation processor cancels old jobs, it sends a notification email to the administrator using the Automatic Job Cancellation email template (template ID 113). You can review and edit the content of this template using the Email Templates workflow; see section 13.2, Changing email messages for details.

Note: If you want to use email notification, you must set up an SMTP server within MyID – see the Setting up email section in the Advanced Configuration Guide for details.

You can also change which email template is used. You must know the ID of the email template; see section 13.3, Standard templates for a list of standard email templates and their IDs.

To change the email template used for automatic job cancellation email notifications:

  1. From the Configuration category, select Operation Settings.

  2. Click the Bureau & Job tab.

  3. Set the following option:

    • Automatic job cancellation email – set this to the ID of the email template you want to use. To prevent email notifications from being sent, leave this option blank.

      The default is 113.

  4. Click Save changes.